Results for « 剎那 » (cmn)
15247110-n (25)
霎时, 眨眼间, 片刻, 刹那, 瞬间, 一眨眼的功夫, 一瞬间, 顷刻, 剎那, 眨眼
instant, wink, split second, twinkling, flash, heartbeat, blink of an eye, jiffy, trice, New York minute
     a very short time (as the time it takes the eye to blink or the heart to beat)
15244650-n (96)
时候, 时刻, 刹那, 瞬间, 剎那
moment, instant, minute, second, sec, tic, mo, jiffy
     a particular point in time


Seen Lemmas: benweed;
(0.00315 seconds)
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