08929922-n 'a republic in western Europe';
English France 10 , French Republic
Indonesian France , Perancis , French Republic
Japanese フランス , フランス共和国
a republic in western Europe
the largest country wholly in Europe
Type: european_country
Meronym–Member: basque frenchman
Meronym–Part: alps alsace anjou aquitaine artois auvergne avignon bordeaux bourgogne brest bretagne calais cannes centre chablis champagne chartres cherbourg corse dijon franche-comte french_region garonne gascogne grenoble ile-de-france isere lake_geneva languedoc-roussillon lascaux le_havre lille limousin loire loire_valley lorraine lyon maginot_line marseille massif_central meuse midi-pyrenees midi mont_blanc nancy nantes nice nord-pas-de-calais normandie orleanais orleans paris pays_de_la_loire picardie poitou-charentes provence pyrenees rheims rhine rhone-alpes rhone riviera sambre saone savoy scheldt seine toulon toulouse tours valenciennes versailles versailles vichy vienne
Holonym–Member: european_union north_atlantic_treaty_organization
Holonym–Part: europe
In Domain–Region: apache_dance agincourt battle_of_the_marne chalons crecy dunkirk ivry meuse orleans poitiers rocroi saint-mihiel soissons somme somme tertry valmy verdun french_revolution bastille maisonette oriflamme rue tricolor jeu_d'esprit bon_mot french bonheur haute_cuisine nouvelle_cuisine bureau_de_change national_liberation_front_of_corsica ancien_regime estate_of_the_realm first_estate second_estate third_estate escadrille noblesse commune department prefecture deputy franc-tireur legionnaire patron trillion quadrillion quintillion sextillion septillion octillion
Semantic Field: locationn
External Links

SUMO: = France

TempoWN: (Past: 0.001; Present: 0.298; Future: 0.000)

SentiWN: (+0.00 -0.00) MLSentiCon: (+0.00 -0.00)


(0.02249 seconds)
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