Results for « turunan » (ind)
04921011-n (2)
pusaka, turunan, warisan
heritage, inheritance
     any attribute or immaterial possession that is inherited from ancestors
turunan, zuriat, keturunan, salasilah, leluhur
descent, lineage, filiation, line of descent
     the kinship relation between an individual and the individual's progenitors
pusaka, turunan, warisan
inheritance, hereditary pattern
     [in genetics] attributes acquired via biological heredity from the parents
13263779-n (5)
pusaka, harta peninggalan, turunan, warisan, peninggalan, legasi
bequest, legacy
     [in law] a gift of personal property by will
pusaka, turunan, warisan, barang pusaka
     sesuatu yang ada telah di keluarga selama bergenerasi
pusaka, turunan, warisan
inheritance, heritage
     [in law] that which is inherited; a title or property or estate that passes by law to the heir on the death of the owner
00083585-n (2)
pusaka, turunan, pewarisan, warisan, mewarisi
inheritance, heritage
     suksesi turun temurun dari suatu properti
08508105-n (1)
berasal, turunan
     sumber atau asal dari mana sesuatu yang berasal


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