Results for « tersendiri » (ind)
01686439-a (5)
tersendiri, unik, asli
     being or productive of something fresh and unusual; or being as first made or thought of
00505853-a (11)
satu-satunya, tersendiri, sendiri, kepiatuan, wahid, unik, istimewa, sendirian
unique, unparalleled, alone, unequaled, unequalled
     radically distinctive and without equal
01860580-a (1)
rahsia, tersendiri
secluded, secret, privy
     hidden from general view or use
01768724-a (259)
own, ain
     belonging to or on behalf of a specified person (especially yourself); preceded by a possessive
00207668-r (11)
tersendiri, sendiri-sendiri
individually, separately, singly, severally, one by one, on an individual basis
     apart from others
tersendiri, terasing
     in an aloof manner
00493460-a (112)
masing-masing, individual, tersendiri
single, individual
     being or characteristic of a single thing or person
01104026-a (60)
khusus, tersendiri, teristimewa, spesial, khas, unik
special, particular, peculiar
     unique or specific to a person or thing or category
berjauhan, tersendiri, berpisah
     having characteristics not shared by others
00488187-a (15)
tersendiri, teristimewa, luar biasa, pelik, khas, unik, istimewa
special, particular, exceptional, especial
     surpassing what is common or usual or expected


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