Results for « teristimewa » (ind)
01104026-a (60)
khusus, tersendiri, teristimewa, spesial, khas, unik
special, particular, peculiar
     unique or specific to a person or thing or category
00178793-r (2)
teristimewa, luar biasa, bukan main
     to an exceptional degree
01676026-a (3)
teristimewa, luar biasa, istimewa
exceptional, prodigious, exceeding, olympian, surpassing
     far beyond what is usual in magnitude or degree
00488187-a (15)
tersendiri, teristimewa, luar biasa, pelik, khas, unik, istimewa
special, particular, exceptional, especial
     surpassing what is common or usual or expected


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