Results for « tahan lama » (ind)
tahan lama
animation, vitality
     the property of being able to survive and grow
tahan, kukuh, tahan lama
indestructible, undestroyable, durable, perdurable
     very long lasting
02447344-a (2)
liat, tahan lasak, tahan lama
tough, toughened
     physically toughened
abadi, tahan, awet, tahan lasak, tahan hati, ulet, berkanjang, tahan lama, tetap, duratif
persistent, lasting
     [in biology] retained; not shed
01439496-a (3)
abadi, kekal, tahan, kuat, mendalam, tahan lama
durable, lasting, long-lived, long-lasting
     existing for a long time
04633453-n (10)
semangat, cergas, tenaga, tahan lama
vitality, verve
     an energetic style


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