Results for « sentakan » (ind)
00335988-n (3)
sentakan, kejutan, kejut
jerk, jerking, jolt, saccade
     an abrupt spasmodic movement
sentakan, tendangan
kick, recoil
     the backward jerk of a gun when it is fired
00115500-n (1)
tarikan, sentakan, helaan, tersentak
tug, jerk
     a sudden abrupt pull
00839292-n (3)
sentakan, renjatan, kejutan
shock, electrical shock, electric shock
     a reflex response to the passage of electric current through the body
00114431-n (6)
tarikan, sentakan, helaan, tarik, pukulan
pull, pulling
     the act of pulling; applying force to move something toward or with you
     [in mechanics] the rate of change of acceleration
00009631-v (6)
V1, VX
kekejangan, gerenyet, geronyot, sentakan, sentak, menggeletis, menggeletik, tersentak, temut-temut, menggerenyet
twitch, jerk
     make an uncontrolled, short, jerky motion


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