Results for « sekutu » (ind)
08305942-n (3)
gabungan, sekutu
     a friendly nation
08293982-n (3)
koalisi, pergabungan, sekutu, serikat, hubungan, perikatan, persekutuan
alignment, coalition, alliance, alinement
     an organization of people (or countries) involved in a pact or treaty
09816771-n (7)
kawan, teman sejawat, rekan, sekutu, kolega, teman, bersekutu
     a person who joins with others in some activity or endeavor
08358594-n (1)
sarang, sekutu, sel, kader, pelatih
cadre, cell
     a small unit serving as part of or as the nucleus of a larger political movement
09785042-n (2)
kawan, sahabat, sekutu, teman
ally, friend
     an associate who provides cooperation or assistance
gabungan, sekutu
allied, confederate, confederative
     united in a confederacy or league


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