Results for « sebelah » (ind)
08621598-n (37)
kedudukan, keadaan, sebelah, tempat, jawatan
position, place
     the particular portion of space occupied by something
02070887-a (9)
sebelah, bertentangan
     being directly across from each other; facing
07655626-n (1)
side, side of meat
     potongan memanjang daging bangkai binatang yang digunakan untuk makanan
08559508-n (61)
sebelah, kampung halaman, rumah, tempat tinggal, tempat
home, place
     where you live at a particular time
08649345-n (91)
sebelah, samping, tepi
     a place within a region identified relative to a center or reference location
08650157-n (2)
     a position given by its location to the side of an object
02071139-a (4)
sebelah, bertentangan
     moving or facing away from each other
00447472-a (30)
sebelah, dekat, berdekatan
next, adjacent, side by side
     nearest in space or position; immediately adjoining without intervening space
08510666-n (13)
muka, sebelah, wajah, paras, sisi, tepi
side, face
     a surface forming part of the outside of an object
08642037-n (17)
sebelah, tempat
     a general vicinity
00044394-r (1)
sebelah, empat mata, bertentangan
face to face
     involving close contact; confronting each other


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