Results for « sebat » (ind)
01398032-v (3)
melibas, mengamban, sebat, pecut, mencambuki, memukul, menyebat, cambuk, melecutkan, mencemeti, membelasah
whip, lash
     strike as if by whipping
00077698-v (1)
V1, V2
kesimpatan, memengapkan, menyengapkan, sebat, lemas, membungkam, tercekik, mencekik, tersedak, cekuk, melemaskan
choke, gag, strangle, suffocate
     struggle for breath; have insufficient oxygen intake
sebat, cemeti, cambuk
whip, lash, whiplash
     a quick blow delivered with a whip or whiplike object
01412912-v (12)
melanyak, mengatasi, melipat, sebat, mengalahkan, membelasah
lick, bat, cream, clobber, drub, thrash
     beat thoroughly and conclusively in a competition or fight
01416193-v (4)
merangket, sebat, menggasak, mencambuki, menyebat, membalun, membantai, membanat, banting, membelasah
thrash, lam, flail, thresh
     give a thrashing to; beat hard


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