Results for « sasaran » (ind)
08660934-n (6)
sasaran, tujuan
target, target area
     the location of the target that is to be hit
bahan, sasaran
goat, butt, laughingstock, stooge
     a victim of ridicule or pranks
05981230-n (47)
objektif, sasaran, maksud, tujuan
objective, aim, object, target
     the goal intended to be attained (and which is believed to be attainable)
08680888-n (1)
arah, sasaran, hubungan, tujuan
bearing, aim, heading
     the direction or path along which something moves or along which it lies
07262108-n (9)
target, mark
     a reference point to shoot at
08517449-n (2)
bull's eye, bull
     the center of a target
01150559-v (20)
menenang, membidikkan, menghadapkan, mengarahkan, mengacu, mengacukan, menjuruskan, sasaran, menghalakan, titik, membega, membidik, menaruh, termuat
direct, place, aim, point, target
     intend (something) to move towards a certain goal
00815644-n (4)
mengarahkan, sasaran, bidikan, tujuan, cita-cita
     the action of directing something at an object
10470460-n (7)
sasaran, mangsa
target, prey, quarry, fair game
     a person who is the aim of an attack (especially a victim of ridicule or exploitation) by some hostile person or influence
04394261-n (3)
sasaran, tujuan, target
target, butt
     sports equipment consisting of an object set up for a marksman or archer to aim at
05982152-n (103)
hajat, sasaran, bidikan, maksud, tujuan, rancangan, niat
purpose, intention, aim, intent, design
     an anticipated outcome that is intended or that guides your planned actions


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