Results for « rentak » (ind)
07086518-n (8)
rentak, irama, tempo
rhythm, beat, musical rhythm
     tempo dalam musik dan sajak
15283097-n (1)
rentak, irama, langkah, tempo, kelajuan
tempo, pace
     the rate of some repeating event
07094093-n (2)
rentak, nada, meter, irama, pengukur
measure, cadence, beat, meter, metre
     [in prosody] tempo dalam musik dan sajak
07086323-n (1)
rentak, irama
rhythm, speech rhythm
     the arrangement of spoken words alternating stressed and unstressed elements
     a single pulsation of an oscillation produced by adding two waves of different frequencies; has a frequency equal to the difference between the two oscillations


(0.00303 seconds)
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