Results for « rekaan » (ind)
rekaan, anekdot, dongeng, dongengan
fabrication, fiction, fable
     cerita yang direka-reka
01935935-a (3)
rekaan, dongeng, khayalan
fictional, fictitious, fabricated, fancied
     formed or conceived by the imagination
rekaan, dongeng
lying, prevarication, fabrication
     the deliberate act of deviating from the truth
00940412-n (3)
penemuan, penciptaan, rekaan
     the act of inventing
03582658-n (9)
inovasi, penciptaan, ciptaan, rekaan
invention, innovation
     a creation (a new device or process) resulting from study and experimentation
05896059-n (9)
fantasi, hasrat, rekaan, khayalan, ilusi
illusion, fancy, fantasy, phantasy
     something many people believe that is false
05633672-n (1)
kepintaran, bayangan, kecerdikan, rekaan, kepandaian
cleverness, ingenuity, ingeniousness, inventiveness
     the power of creative imagination
06367107-n (14)
cerita, rekaan
     a literary work based on the imagination and not necessarily on fact
05633385-n (8)
inovasi, penciptaan, ciptaan, rekaan, reka bentuk
invention, innovation, conception, design, excogitation
     the creation of something in the mind
00908492-n (5)
kreasi, penciptaan, ciptaan, rekaan
creation, creative activity
     the human act of creating


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