Results for « queer » (eng)
queen, fag, fagot, faggot, pouf, fairy, nance, pansy, queer, poof, poove      offensive term for an openly homosexual man
00968010-a (43)
curious, peculiar, funny, queer, odd, singular, rum, rummy      beyond or deviating from the usual or expected
01201937-a (1)
gay, queer, homophile      homosexual or arousing homosexual desires
01036319-v (3)
endanger, expose, queer, scupper, peril      put in a dangerous, disadvantageous, or difficult position
02558172-v (12)
frustrate, thwart, foil, cross, spoil, baffle, queer, scotch, bilk      hinder or prevent (the efforts, plans, or desires) of


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