Results for « pungutan » (ind)
06513764-n (1)
kutipan, pungutan
collection, solicitation, appeal, ingathering
     request for a sum of money
01014990-n (1)
kumpulan, pemetikan, penuaian, kutipan, pengumpulan, pengutipan, pungutan, himpunan
gathering, gather
     the act of gathering something
06591442-n (1)
kumpulan, antologi, siri, kutipan, pungutan, koleksi, himpunan
collection, compendium
     a publication containing a variety of works
01014066-n (1)
penggabungan, pemasangan, kutipan, pengambilan, pemungutan, pungutan
collection, collecting, assembling, aggregation
     the act of gathering something together


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