Results for « pergerakan » (ind)
07046339-n (4)
babak, gerakan, pergerakan
     a major self-contained part of a symphony or sonata
07406765-n (8)
kini, pergerakan, sehari-hari, arus, aliran
current, stream
     a steady flow of a fluid (usually from natural causes)
00329227-n (8)
pergerakan, pengaliran, alir, arus, aliran
flow, stream
     the act of flowing or streaming; continuous progression
00331950-n (31)
gerak, ganjak, gerakan, pergerakan, garit
movement, motion, move, motility
     a change of position that does not entail a change of location
00798245-n (23)
perjuangan, gerakan, pergerakan, usaha, daya upaya, kampanye
cause, campaign, drive, movement, crusade, effort
     a series of actions advancing a principle or tending toward a particular end
11425088-n (3)
gerakan, pergerakan
movement, motion, apparent motion, apparent movement
     an optical illusion of motion produced by viewing a rapid succession of still pictures of a moving object
00282050-n (8)
maju, kemajuan, pergerakan, kemaraan, pemajuan, perkembangan
progress, progression, advance, advancement, procession, forward motion, onward motion
     gerak maju yang perlahan
laluan, lalu, pergerakan, pengaliran
passing, passage
     gerakan satu objek relatif terhadap yang lain
07406601-n (1)
pergerakan, arus
airflow, air flow, flow of air
     the flow of air
04773351-n (2)
berpindah-pindah, pergerakan, kelincahan
     the quality of moving freely
gerakan, pengalihan, pergerakan, pemindahan, arus
     the act of changing the location of something
07309781-n (21)
gerakan, pengalihan, pergerakan, pemindahan, arus
movement, motion
     peristiwa alam yang melibatkan perubahan posisi atau lokasi dari sesuatu
00279835-n (17)
pindah, gerak, gerakan, pengalihan, pergerakan, pemindahan, arus
movement, motion, move
     the act of changing location from one place to another
08464601-n (4)
gerakan sosial, gerakan, pergerakan
movement, front, social movement
     a group of people with a common ideology who try together to achieve certain general goals
14004317-n (2)
gerakan, pergerakan
     a state of change
07445265-n (13)
maju, kemajuan, pergerakan, kemaraan, pemajuan, perkembangan
advance, progress, progression
     gerak maju yang perlahan


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