Results for « pengantara » (ind)
pengantara, pemutus, pendamai, wasit, pengadil
arbiter, arbitrator, umpire
     seseorang yang dipilih untuk menilai dan memutuskan masalah yang dipersengketakan
10222497-n (1)
pengantara, broker, pemborong
wholesaler, middleman, jobber
     someone who buys large quantities of goods and resells to merchants rather than to the ultimate customers
pengantara, pendamai, penentu
arbiter, supreme authority
     seseorang yang dengan kekuatannya menyelesaikan masalah
09624559-n (1)
pengantara, perantara, mediator, penengah, wakil
intermediary, mediator, go-between, intermediator, intercessor
     a negotiator who acts as a link between parties
09960117-n (1)
contact, middleman
     a person who is in a position to give you special assistance


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