Results for « pengajaran » (ind)
06672752-n (6)
ajaran, teladan, model, contoh, pengajaran, peringatan
lesson, example, deterrent example, object lesson
     punishment intended as a warning to others
06185955-n (3)
ajaran, pendidikan, perintah, pengajaran
teaching, precept, commandment
     a doctrine that is taught
06606044-n (6)
akhlak, pengajaran
lesson, moral
     the significance of a story or event
00883297-n (41)
edukasi, ajaran, petunjuk, pendidikan, pengajaran, didikan, pedagogi
education, instruction, teaching, educational activity, pedagogy, didactics
     the activities of educating or instructing; activities that impart knowledge or skill
05984287-n (10)
edukasi, pendidikan, pengetahuan, pengajaran, didikan, pedagogi, pelajaran, pengasuhan
     knowledge acquired by learning and instruction
00887081-n (11)
instruksi, ajaran, pendidikan, pengajaran, pedagogi, ilmu pendidikan
teaching, instruction, pedagogy
     the profession of a teacher


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