pengotoran, kontaminasi, pencemaran, polusi |
contamination, pollution |
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the act of contaminating or polluting; including (either intentionally or accidentally) unwanted substances or factors |
kontaminasi, kecacatan, cacat, pencemaran, selekeh, kecelaan, noda, cela, kecemaran |
contamination, taint |
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the state of being contaminated |
deklinasi, deteriorasi, perubahan, pencemaran, kemerosotan, kemunduran |
worsening, declension, deterioration, decline in quality |
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process of changing to an inferior state |
kotor, ladah, mengotorkan, celomok, bersempuras, jijik, pencemaran, kumal, berselekeh, tais, comot, cemomot, mesum, bukat, cemar, celekeh, sememeh, sempuras, kumuh, lumus, berlumar |
dirty, soiled, unclean |
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soiled or likely to soil with dirt or grime |
pencemaran, polusi |
pollution |
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undesirable state of the natural environment being contaminated with harmful substances as a consequence of human activities |
pencemaran |
violation, irreverence |
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a disrespectful act |