Results for « nyaring » (ind)
nyaring, lantang, menusuk-nusuk, menikam, menusuk
knifelike, keen, cutting, piercing, stabbing, lancinate, lancinating
     painful as if caused by a sharp instrument
     having a tendency to reverberate or be repeatedly reflected
00300359-a (2)
nyaring, langsing, lantang, garuk, garau, terbahak-bahak
raucous, strident
     unpleasantly loud and harsh
01135420-a (1)
mersik, menggigit, nyaring, besar, langsing, hebat, tajam, melengking, pedih, menusuk
prickly, bristly, splenetic, waspish
     very irritable
01213197-a (11)
nyaring, tinggi
high, high-pitched
     used of sounds and voices; high in pitch or frequency
01214430-a (12)
nyaring, lantang, tajam, pedih, meruncing
shrill, sharp
     having or emitting a high-pitched and sharp tone or tones
01452593-a (50)
nyaring, lantang, keras, bising, kuat, ramai
     characterized by or producing sound of great volume or intensity


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