Results for « memualkan » (ind)
02560035-a (1)
memuakkan, keji, dahsyat, memualkan, menjijikkan
loathsome, offensive, noisome, vile, queasy, nauseous, nauseating, sickening
     menyebabkan atau dapat menyebabkan mual
benci, memualkan
sicken, nauseate, turn one's stomach
     upset and make nauseated
01625893-a (3)
jijik, menyampah, keji, meluat, memualkan, busuk, menjijikkan
foul, disgusting, loathsome, repellent, wicked, disgustful, distasteful, loathly, repellant, repelling, revolting, skanky, yucky
     highly offensive; arousing aversion or disgust
V1, V2
memuakkan, memualkan, menjemukan
pall, cloy
     cause surfeit through excess though initially pleasing
01625063-a (2)
memeranjatkan, mengejutkan, memualkan, bertentangan, menjijikkan
repulsive, abhorrent, obscene, detestable, repugnant
     offensive to the mind
01808374-v (2)
memberontak, memuakkan, benci, memualkan, menjijikkan
sicken, disgust, revolt, nauseate, churn up
     cause aversion in; offend the moral sense of


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