Results for « melampau » (ind)
00089408-r (12)
sangat, benar, sampai ke sumsum, melampau, amat, tinggi, sungguh
extremely, highly
     to a high degree or extent; favorably or with much respect
memalukan, melampau, memeranjatkan, mengaibkan
disgraceful, shameful, scandalous, shocking
     giving offense to moral sensibilities and injurious to reputation
terlampau, melampau
steep, exorbitant, extortionate, outrageous, unconscionable, usurious
     greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation
05098099-n (6)
melampau, ekstrem, dahsyat
     the furthest or highest degree of something
00046299-r (10)
sangat, benar, terlampau, sampai ke sumsum, melampau, amat, terlalu, tersangat, sungguh
extremely, exceedingly, super, passing
     to an extreme degree
02000968-a (3)
melampau, bersemangat, keterlaluan, berlebih-lebihan
extravagant, exuberant, excessive, overweening
     unrestrained, especially with regard to feelings
01533974-a (7)
terlampau, melampau, terlalu, keterlaluan, melebihi, berlebih-lebihan
excessive, undue, inordinate, unreasonable
     beyond normal limits
00601150-a (3)
melampau, terlepas
     completely out of control
01535270-a (6)
melampau, keterlaluan
radical, ultra, extremist
     (used of opinions and actions) far beyond the norm


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