Results for « lumayan » (ind)
00476819-a (17)
senang, lumayan, selesa
comfortable, comfy
     providing or experiencing physical well-being or relief
01531375-a (10)
moderat, berpatutan, bersahaja, ugahari, sedang, sederhana, cukup, lumayan
     being within reasonable or average limits; not excessive or extreme
01871349-a (1)
menguntungkan, lumayan
juicy, fat
01943406-a (19)
berpatutan, bersuai, pantas, masuk akal, wajar, bijak, adil, munasabah, sampai akal, lumayan, layak
reasonable, sensible
     showing reason or sound judgment
00624576-a (2)
respectable, goodly, goodish, healthy, hefty, sizable, sizeable, tidy
     large in amount or extent or degree


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