Results for « keragaman » (ind)
04751305-n (9)
berbagai-bagai, keanekaragaman, berjenis-jenis, keragaman
variety, diversity, diverseness, multifariousness
     noticeable heterogeneity
penukaran, perubahan, keragaman, variasi
change, variety
     a difference that is usually pleasant
05839024-n (253)
macam, berbentuk, jenis, bagai, kelas, keragaman, ragam, bentuk
kind, sort, form, variety
     a category of things distinguished by some common characteristic or quality
08101085-n (1)
     [in biology] a taxonomic category consisting of members of a species that differ from others of the same species in minor but heritable characteristics
05840650-n (8)
versi, kelainan, keragaman, variasi, perbedaan, varian
version, variation, variant, edition
     something a little different from others of the same type


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