Results for « keperluan » (ind)
09367991-n (30)
keperluan, kebutuhan, hendak, perlu
need, want
     anything that is necessary but lacking
14449126-n (57)
keperluan, kebutuhan, keharusan, keinginan
need, demand
     suatu kondisi yang membutuhkan bantuan
14450691-n (11)
keperluan, kebutuhan, keharusan, kemestian
     kondisi menjadi diperlukan atau mutlak
00848466-a (4)
mesti, semestinya, keperluan, wajib, harus, seharusnya, perlu
mandatory, required, compulsory
     required by rule
09367203-n (26)
syarat, keperluan, kebutuhan, mustahak, perlu, kemestian
requirement, necessity, essential, requisite, necessary
     anything indispensable
     some duty that is essential and urgent
01580050-a (81)
mesti, penting, keperluan, wajib, mustahak, perlu
     absolutely essential
00023773-n (35)
rangsangan, motif, keperluan, maksud, motivasi, tujuan, dorongan, niat
motive, need, motivation
     the psychological feature that arouses an organism to action toward a desired goal; the reason for the action; that which gives purpose and direction to behavior


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