Results for « kemegahan » (ind)
07229530-n (1)
cakap besar, bualan, kemegahan, kesombongan
boast, jactitation, boasting, self-praise
     speaking of yourself in superlatives
07508486-n (6)
angkuh, keangkuhan, harga diri, pongah, kemegahan, kesombongan, kebanggaan
pride, pridefulness
     a feeling of self-respect and personal worth
07531536-n (5)
kemegahan, kebanggaan
     satisfaction with your (or another's) achievements
14437134-n (9)
kemuliaan, keluhuran, kecemerlangan, keagungan, pemujaan, kemegahan, penyanjungan
glory, glorification
     suatu kehormatan yang tinggi
04814238-n (6)
kecerdasan, kemewahan, kemuliaan, kebesaran, brilian, kecemerlangan, keagungan, keindahan, kilauan, kemegahan, kegemilangan, kehebatan
grandeur, splendor, brilliance, grandness, magnificence, splendour
     the quality of being magnificent or splendid or grand
keangkuhan, kemegahan, kesombongan
pretension, pretentiousness, largeness
     the quality of being pretentious (behaving or speaking in such a manner as to create a false appearance of great importance or worth)


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