Results for « kelas » (ind)
13968547-n (7)
aturan, susunan, arahan, tertib, kelas, perintah, orde, golongan, tatanan
     established customary state (especially of society)
07997703-n (40)
kategori, kelas, keluarga, kelompok, golongan
category, class, family
     a collection of things sharing a common attribute
05839024-n (253)
macam, berbentuk, jenis, bagai, kelas, keragaman, ragam, bentuk
kind, sort, form, variety
     a category of things distinguished by some common characteristic or quality
03038685-n (8)
classroom, schoolroom
     a room in a school where lessons take place
kelas, golongan
     [in biology] a taxonomic group containing one or more orders
14428160-n (27)
peringkat, mutu, tingkat, tahap, kadar, kelas, tangga, taraf
level, grade, tier
     suatu posisi relatif atau derajat nilai dalam suatu kelompok yang diharkatkan
08239808-n (2)
kelas, golongan
class, division
     a league ranked by quality
08238660-n (1)
kelas, tahun, umur, golongan
year, class
     a body of students who graduate together
08238463-n (30)
formulir, tingkat, kelas, pelajaran, bentuk
grade, class, form, course
     a body of students who are taught together
00729285-n (3)
belajar, kelas, pelajaran
     a task assigned for individual study
00889472-n (6)
kelas, pelajaran
     a unit of instruction
00884466-n (65)
kursus, kelas, pelajaran
course, class, course of study, course of instruction
     education imparted in a series of lessons or meetings
berkelas, kelas, golongan
     elegance in dress or behavior


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