Results for « kekaburan » (ind)
kekacauan, kebingungan, pusing, keseganan, kucar-kacir, kekaburan
confusion, discombobulation
     a feeling of embarrassment that leaves you confused
kekejian, kehinaan, kekaburan
obscureness, humbleness, unimportance, lowliness
     keadaan menjadi rendah dan tak penting
13985671-n (2)
obscurity, obscureness
     kondisi tidak jelas atau tidak pasti karena kurang pencahayaan
14436029-n (2)
     suatu posisi yang tidak jelas dan tidak penting
kesamaran, kekaburan
opacity, opaqueness
     incomprehensibility resulting from obscurity of meaning
05684561-n (3)
kebingungan, kabur, kekeliruan, kekaburan, keraguan
fog, haze, daze
     confusion characterized by lack of clarity
05940414-n (4)
samar-samar, kabur, redam, kelam, kekaburan
blur, fuzz
     a hazy or indistinct representation
05683582-n (8)
kekacauan, kekeliruan, kekaburan
confusion, disarray, muddiness, mental confusion, confusedness
     a mental state characterized by a lack of clear and orderly thought and behavior
04823416-n (4)
ketaksaan, kekaburan
obscurity, abstruseness, obscureness, reconditeness
     the quality of being unclear or abstruse and hard to understand
04825114-n (1)
ketaksaan, kesamaran, kekaburan
ambiguity, equivocalness
     unclearness by virtue of having more than one meaning


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