Results for « kehidupan » (ind)
13961642-n (30)
animasi, kehidupan, hidup, takdir
life, living, animation, aliveness
     kondisi hidup atau menjadi hidup
15140405-n (24)
tempoh, kehidupan, hayat, hidup, takdir
life, lifetime, life-time, lifespan
     the period during which something is functional (as between birth and death)
13963192-n (66)
kehidupan, hidup, takdir
     suatu kondisi karakteristik atau cara hidup
pemilihan, kehidupan, seleksi
selection, survival, survival of the fittest, natural selection
     proses evolusi yang menghasilkan organisme terbaik beradaptasi dengan lingkungan
15140892-n (5)
seumur hidup, kehidupan, hayat, hidup, takdir
     the period from the present until death
05810561-n (61)
dunia luar, kehidupan, hidup, takdir
life, living
     the experience of being alive; the course of human events and activities
15140744-n (18)
kehidupan, hayat, hidup, takdir, umur
     the period between birth and the present time
00006269-n (5)
kehidupan, hidup, takdir
     living things collectively
09178727-n (1)
kehidupan, hidup, takdir
     a motive for living
13961399-n (41)
nyawa, kehidupan, kewujudan, hidup
     tindakan dan kejadian yang terjadi dalam hidup
06515827-n (8)
biografi, riwayat hidup, kehidupan, biodata
life history, biography, life, life story
     an account of the series of events making up a person's life
13954253-n (63)
kehidupan, kewujudan, eksistensi, ada, wujud, adanya, keberadaan
existence, being, beingness
     the state or fact of existing
10260706-n (5)
nyawa, kehidupan, hidup, takdir, jiwa
     a living person
13962048-n (2)
kehidupan, kulit
     a person's skin regarded as their life
11473291-n (3)
kehidupan, hidup, takdir
     the organic phenomenon that distinguishes living organisms from nonliving ones


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