Results for « kecaman » (ind)
06710546-n (6)
celaan, kecaman
criticism, unfavorable judgment
     disapproval expressed by pointing out faults or shortcomings
penghinaan, kekejian, cemoohan, keaiban, hinaan, kenistaan, kecaman
infamy, opprobrium
     suatu kondisi aib yang ekstrim
05734018-n (3)
celaan, teguran, kecaman, kritik
criticism, critique
     a serious examination and judgment of something
06709998-n (1)
celaan, kecaman
censure, animadversion
     harsh criticism or disapproval
06711159-n (2)
ledakan, bidasan, serbuan, serangan, letusan, kecaman
attack, blast, fire, flak, flack
     intense adverse criticism
00767826-n (1)
penerjangan, serang, serbuan, serangan, makar, celaan, kecaman
     a threatened or attempted physical attack by someone who appears to be able to cause bodily harm if not stopped
ekskomunikasi, pengasingan, celaan, cercaan, kecaman
exclusion, excommunication, censure
     the state of being excommunicated
07233415-n (1)
bidasan, kecaman
philippic, broadside, tirade
     a speech of violent denunciation
penghinaan, hujatan, keaiban, hinaan, kecaman
obloquy, opprobrium
     keadaan aib akibat pelecehan publik
06374587-n (2)
celaan, teguran, kecaman
criticism, literary criticism
     a written evaluation of a work of literature


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