Results for « keberuntungan » (ind)
05157866-n (1)
profitability, profitableness, gainfulness, lucrativeness
     the quality of affording gain or benefit or profit
keberuntungan, kebetulan
fluke, good luck, good fortune
     a stroke of luck
14473655-n (6)
kemujuran, keberuntungan, tuah, nasib baik, nasib
good luck, good fortune, luckiness
     suatu keadaan yang bagus akibat dari luaran yang menguntungkan
14473222-n (16)
keadaan, kemujuran, kismet, kismat, keberuntungan, habuan, takdir, nasib, rezeki, peruntungan
luck, lot, fate, circumstances, fortune, portion, destiny
     keadaan anda secara keseluruhan dalam kehidupan
11418460-n (4)
kismat, keberuntungan, tuah, nasib baik, nasib, peruntungan
luck, fortune
     an unknown and unpredictable phenomenon that leads to a favorable outcome


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