Results for « keadilan » (ind)
08135342-n (1)
Department of Justice, Justice Department, Justice, DoJ
     [in legislation] the United States federal department responsible for enforcing federal laws (including the enforcement of all civil rights legislation); created in 1870
00694681-n (6)
keadilan, pengadilan
     judgment involved in the determination of rights and the assignment of rewards and punishments
04839154-n (1)
keadilan, kesaksamaan, kesamarataan
fairness, equity
     conformity with rules or standards
04850117-n (16)
keadilan, berasas, layak
justice, justness
     the quality of being just or fair
01723308-a (1)
keadilan, saksama, adil
     showing lack of favoritism
04850341-n (1)
hak, keadilan, kuasa
right, rightfulness
     anything in accord with principles of justice
keadilan, kesaksamaan
fairness, candor, candour, fair-mindedness
     ability to make judgments free from discrimination or dishonesty
04826235-n (1)
keadilan, khasiat, kekuatan
     adhering to moral principles
keadilan, adil, kesaksamaan
impartiality, nonpartisanship
     an inclination to weigh both views or opinions equally


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