Results for « ke belakang » (ind)
00201354-a (2)
ke belakang, udik, terakhir
     directed or facing toward the back or rear
00074407-r (45)
ke belakang
back, backward, rearward, backwards, rearwards
     at or to or toward the back or rear
buang air, menguyuhi, pipis, turas, berurine, ke belakang, buang air kecil, kencing
     pass after the manner of urine
00202250-a (1)
ke belakang
reverse, rearward
     directed or moving toward the rear
00221985-r (13)
lewat, ke belakang, lambat
     in or to or toward the rear
00072012-v (3)
melakukan, berurine, ke belakang, buang air kecil, membuatkan, kencing, membentuk, menjadikan, mengurangi
piss, relieve oneself, pass water, make, urinate, piddle, puddle, micturate, pee, pee-pee, make water, take a leak, spend a penny, wee, wee-wee
     eliminate urine
00074201-r (15)
lepas, dahulu, kembali, ke belakang, lalu, mengundur, terbalik, dulu, balik, tunggakan
back, backward
     in or to or toward a past time


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