Results for « istirahat » (ind)
01062997-n (3)
rehat, gangguan, henti, istirahat
respite, break, recess, time out
     a pause from doing something (as work)
14012501-n (1)
rehat, istirahat
     a state of inaction
15274074-n (4)
beristirahat, rahat, istirahat, selingan
rest, relief, respite, rest period
     a pause for relaxation
07367812-n (4)
gangguan, istirahat, penggangguan
break, interruption
     some abrupt occurrence that interrupts an ongoing activity
15274695-n (2)
breath, breathing space, breather, breathing place, breathing spell, breathing time
     a short respite
00383952-n (6)
gangguan, pemecahan, istirahat, penggangguan
interruption, disruption, break, gap
     an act of delaying or interrupting the continuity
07313814-n (1)
kerenggangan, perselisihan, pembatalan, putus, istirahat
break, breach, severance, rupture, rift, falling out
     a personal or social separation (as between opposing factions)
snorkel, schnorkel, schnorchel, snorkel breather, breather
     air passage provided by a retractable device containing intake and exhaust pipes; permits a submarine to stay submerged for extended periods of time
01064148-n (9)
rehat, hiburan, pengenduran, istirahat
rest, repose, relaxation, ease
     freedom from activity (work or strain or responsibility)
00779061-v (12)
berjeda, membongkar, membobolkan, istirahat
pause, break, intermit
     cease an action temporarily
00376400-n (2)
perpecahan, pemecahan, pecahan, kerusakan, istirahat
break, breaking, breakage
     the act of breaking something


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