Results for « heboh » (ind)
14403772-n (1)
kekacauan, kalut, pergolakan, heboh, kecoh, kehebohan
fuss, flap, dither, pother, tizzy
     kondisi terbangkitkan pada agitasi
00554300-n (2)
kekacauan, kerusuhan, keseronokan, huru-hara, kegemparan, gangguan, agitasi, pergolakan, heboh, kecoh
excitement, agitation, turmoil, upheaval, hullabaloo
     disturbance usually in protest
00919542-a (3)
terangsang, seronok, gempar, gairah, gembira, heboh, kegairahan, gelisah
     in an aroused state
01266841-a (1)
riuh, menggelikan hati, lucu, jenaka, kelakar, lawak, heboh
hilarious, screaming, uproarious
     marked by or causing boisterous merriment or convulsive laughter
01919931-a (4)
ingar-ingar, riuh, hiruk, cabuh, gelumat, rutup, rangak, bising, gaduh, recok, ribut, gegap gempita, heboh, berisik, ramai
     full of or characterized by loud and nonmusical sounds


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