Results for « gosip » (ind)
umpatan, gosip, fitnah
gossip, gossiper, gossipmonger, rumormonger, rumourmonger, newsmonger
     a person given to gossiping and divulging personal information about others
07223450-n (14)
desas-desus, gosip
rumor, rumour, hearsay
     gossip (usually a mixture of truth and untruth) passed around by word of mouth
07135080-n (3)
umpatan, gosip, bualan, perbualan, fitnah
gossip, chitchat, chit-chat, chit chat, small talk, gab, gabfest, tittle-tattle, chin wag, chin-wag, chin wagging, chin-wagging, causerie
     light informal conversation for social occasions
07223170-n (2)
desas-desus, gosip, pandangan, fitnah
gossip, comment, scuttlebutt
     a report (often malicious) about the behavior of other people


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