Results for « garau » (ind)
01803792-a (2)
garang, garau
     disagreeable to the senses
00299476-a (2)
kasar, garuk, parau, garau
rough, rasping, grating, gravelly, raspy, scratchy
     unpleasantly harsh or grating in sound
01667110-a (2)
ganas, garuk, lasak, garau, terbahak-bahak
raucous, rowdy
     disturbing the public peace; loud and rough
00300359-a (2)
nyaring, langsing, lantang, garuk, garau, terbahak-bahak
raucous, strident
     unpleasantly loud and harsh
00299690-a (9)
garuk, serak, parau, garau
hoarse, gruff, husky
     deep and harsh sounding as if from shouting or illness or emotion
02238462-a (13)
kasap, kasar, gerutu, gerepes, gabas, lekak-lekuk, kesat, garau
rough, unsmooth
     having or caused by an irregular surface


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