Results for « ganas » (ind)
00478311-a (4)
bad, tough
     feeling physical discomfort or pain
01507402-a (3)
ganas, zalim, kejam
merciless, unmerciful
     tidak ada belas kasihan
09845589-n (4)
bengis, ganas, kejam, buas
brute, beast, wildcat, wolf, savage
     orang yang kurang ajar
02511528-a (16)
bengis, ganas, ligat, keras, garang, membadai, buas, kemaruk, kencang, bengkeng
fierce, furious, ferocious, savage
     marked by extreme and violent energy
02512641-a (1)
tough, ruffianly
     violent and lawless
02389520-a (1)
ganas, buas
savage, feral, ferine
     wild and menacing
10553402-n (3)
orang asing, ganas
savage, barbarian
     orang yang tidak bertamadun
01667110-a (2)
ganas, garuk, lasak, garau, terbahak-bahak
raucous, rowdy
     disturbing the public peace; loud and rough
ganas, kekejaman, keganasan, terorisme
terrorism, act of terrorism, terrorist act
     the calculated use of violence (or the threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature; this is done through intimidation or coercion or instilling fear
02510879-a (8)
kasar, angkara, ganas, bergelora, membuas, seru, sengit, kencang
     acting with or marked by or resulting from great force or energy or emotional intensity
09879297-n (4)
kekasaran, ganas, bajingan, samseng, lasak
bully, ruffian, roughneck, rowdy, tough, hooligan, yob, yobo, yobbo
     suka membuli orang lain
00965404-n (18)
desakan, ganas, kekejaman, keganasan, pemaksaan, kekerasan, paksa, paksaan
violence, force
     an act of aggression (as one against a person who resists)
01263445-a (2)
kasar, Kejam, bengis, ganas
bestial, brute, brutal, beastly, brutish
     resembling a beast; showing lack of human sensibility


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