Results for « gampang » (ind)
00822115-a (1)
enteng, lega, lasuh, mudah, gampang, ringan
     free from worry or anxiety
09815188-n (31)
keparat, celaka, anak luar nikah, anak haram, haram jadah, bajingan, gampang, bangsat, anak zadah
bastard, son of a bitch, prick, shit, asshole, cocksucker, dickhead, mother fucker, motherfucker, whoreson, SOB
     insulting terms of address for people who are stupid or irritating or ridiculous
00749230-a (62)
enteng, suang, ampang, gampangan, mudah, gampang, senang
     posing no difficulty; requiring little effort
haram, luar nikah, gampang
bastardly, spurious, misbegot, misbegotten
     born out of wedlock


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