Results for « cuma » (ind)
00046002-r (24)
cuma, hanya
     in other respects or ways
01862697-a (1)
cuma, sahaja, saja, hanya
alone, only
     exclusive of anyone or anything else
00008600-r (276)
cuma, sahaja, seorang diri, semata-mata, hanya, sendiri, melulu, sendirian, belaka
only, alone, solely, exclusively, entirely
     without any others being included or involved
00002621-r (72)
cuma, sedang, hanya, sungguh, memang
hardly, just, barely, scarcely, scarce
     only a very short time before
00004722-r (541)
sedangkan, cuma, sahaja, cuman, saja, semata-mata, hanya, sederhana, tetapi, masih, sekedar, baru, melainkan, memang
only, just, merely, simply, but
     and nothing more


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