Results for « bodoh » (ind)
nitwitted, senseless, soft-witted, witless
     (of especially persons) lacking sense or understanding or judgment
00440579-a (11)
tumpul, lembam, lembap, bodoh
dumb, dull, slow, dim, dense, obtuse
     slow to learn or understand; lacking intellectual acuity
09921409-n (12)
benak, dungu, bodoh
fool, sucker, chump, mark, gull, mug, patsy, fall guy, soft touch
     a person who is gullible and easy to take advantage of
02075737-a (3)
dungu, tolol, pandir, bodoh
idiotic, crackbrained
     insanely irresponsible
anserine, dopy, dopey, foolish, goosey, goosy, gooselike, jerky
     having or revealing stupidity
10039391-n (1)
dungu, tolol, bodoh
booby, dummy, dumbbell, pinhead, dope, boob
     an ignorant or foolish person
10157744-n (3)
angsa, dungu, tolol, gila, bebal, bodoh
jackass, cuckoo, goose, twat, goof, goofball, bozo, fathead, zany
     a man who is a stupid incompetent fool
00435872-a (2)
gila, bodoh
addlebrained, muddleheaded, addlepated, puddingheaded
     stupid and confused
tolol, bodoh
gonad, sex gland
     a gland in which gametes (sex cells) are produced
kebodohan, ketololan, kedunguan, bodoh
folly, craziness, foolishness, madness
     the quality of being rash and foolish
00831225-a (3)
buta hati, hampa, bodoh, jahil
ignorant, nescient, unlearned, unlettered
     uneducated in general; lacking knowledge or sophistication
10039663-n (4)
benak, tolol, bebal, bodoh
lunkhead, hammerhead, loggerhead, dunce, dunderhead, numskull, blockhead, bonehead, knucklehead, muttonhead, shithead, dumbass, fuckhead
     a stupid person; these words are used to express a low opinion of someone's intelligence
00439588-a (10)
otak udang, bongok, sontoloyo, sementung, bambung, dungu, pilon, tolol, sempit akal, bebal, goblok, bongak, pusung, lompong, tumpul, ahmak, hamik, udik, jongkok, tongong, bego, geblek, ongok, beloh, dongok, pandir, bangang, dogol, bodoh, gendeng, otak ayam, ayam kampung, jahil
     lacking or marked by lack of intellectual acuity
00830981-a (4)
bodoh, jahil
ignorant, illiterate
     uneducated in the fundamentals of a given art or branch of learning; lacking knowledge of a specific field
01841390-a (1)
simple, dim-witted, simple-minded
     lacking mental capacity and subtlety
dungu, tolol, bodoh
dimwit, nitwit, half-wit, doofus
     a stupid incompetent person
poop, nincompoop, ninny
     a stupid foolish person
10197525-n (6)
moron, dungu, tolol, bebal, idiot, bodoh
idiot, imbecile, changeling, half-wit, cretin, moron, retard
     a person of subnormal intelligence
02570282-a (6)
bongok, dungu, tolol, bebal, konyol, pandir, bodoh, gila-gilaan
     devoid of good sense or judgment
10100761-n (25)
tolol, bodoh
fool, sap, saphead, muggins, tomfool
     a person who lacks good judgment
02571277-a (1)
dungu, tolol, bangang, bodoh
inane, vacuous, mindless, asinine, fatuous
     devoid of intelligence
bodoh, jahil
unwitting, ignorant, unknowledgeable, unknowing
     unaware because of a lack of relevant information or knowledge
10274639-n (3)
bongok, tongkol, bodoh
clod, lump, lummox, goon, lubber, lout, stumblebum, oaf, gawk
     an awkward stupid person
09813632-n (1)
dungu, tolol, bangang, bodoh
     a pompous fool
01336587-a (1)
bambung, dungu, pilon, tolol, sempit akal, bebal, goblok, bongak, pusung, tumpul, ahmak, jongkok, bego, geblek, beloh, pandir, dogol, bodoh, gendeng, ayam kampung, jahil
unintelligent, stupid
     lacking intelligence
tolol, bodoh
     dull and slow-moving and stolid; like an ox


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