Results for « bijak » (ind)
01813400-a (1)
     marked by artful prudence, expedience, and shrewdness
02119971-a (1)
wajar, bijak
thoughtful, serious-minded
     acting with or showing thought and good sense
00439252-a (3)
bijak, pintar
clever, cagey, cagy, canny
     showing self-interest and shrewdness in dealing with others
00438707-a (8)
bijak, bestari, cerdas, cerdik, pintar, pandai
     showing mental alertness and calculation and resourcefulness
02569130-a (13)
hakimah, kebijaksanaan, budiman, lantip, bijaksana, arif, bijak, akal, arifin
     having or prompted by wisdom or discernment
01943406-a (19)
berpatutan, bersuai, pantas, masuk akal, wajar, bijak, adil, munasabah, sampai akal, lumayan, layak
reasonable, sensible
     showing reason or sound judgment
01334398-a (4)
tajam otak, terang akal, berakal, bijak, tajam pikiran, cemerlang, cerdas, cerdik, encer, pintar, pandai, inteligen
     having the capacity for thought and reason especially to a high degree
bijak, cerdik, pintar, pandai
clever, cunning, ingenious
     showing inventiveness and skill
00438909-a (9)
bijaksana, bijak, panjang akal, cerdas, tajam, pintar, pandai
sharp, shrewd, astute
     marked by practical hardheaded intelligence
01155603-a (1)
bijak, pintar, pandai
calculating, scheming, shrewd, calculative, conniving
     used of persons
04841810-n (2)
kebijaksanaan, bijak
tact, tactfulness
     cara yang berhati-hati
00067038-a (1)
bijak, sebaiknya
     worthy of being recommended or suggested; prudent or wise
01335458-a (7)
bijak, cerdik, pintar, pandai
bright, smart
     characterized by quickness and ease in learning
01898722-a (2)
bijaksana, arif, bijak, praktis
wise, heady, judicious
     marked by the exercise of good judgment or common sense in practical matters
01926089-a (1)
berakal, bijak, cerdas, cerdik, pintar, pandai
intelligent, reasoning, thinking
     endowed with the capacity to reason
berhati-hati, hati-hati, budiman, bijaksana, arif, cermat, bijak
     careful and sensible; marked by sound judgment
00935500-a (10)
pacak, berpengalaman, kawak, berida, werda, bijak, ulung, mahir
experienced, experient
     having experience; having knowledge or skill from observation or participation


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