Results for « berturut-turut » (ind)
05044822-n (6)
sambungan, lanjutan, berturut-turut, turutan
succession, sequence, chronological sequence, successiveness, chronological succession
     a following of one thing after another in time
00596511-a (10)
straight, consecutive
     successive (without a break)
01667729-a (7)
berentetan, seterusnya, berurutan, berturut-turut
successive, sequential, serial, sequent, consecutive
     in regular succession without gaps
00594413-a (16)
kontinu, terus-menerus, bersinambung, agam, sentiasa, berturut-turut, malar, turutan
continuous, uninterrupted
     continuing in time or space without interruption
01010458-n (4)
rentetan, urutan, rantaian, berturut-turut, turutan
sequence, succession
     the action of following in order


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