Results for « bersemangat » (ind)
04859816-n (1)
kegagahan, berani, keberanian, bersemangat
pluck, gutsiness, pluckiness
     the trait of showing courage and determination in spite of possible loss or injury
02279723-a (7)
exuberant, high-spirited, ebullient
     joyously unrestrained
02530861-a (8)
peramah, mesra, bersemangat, ramah
     psychologically warm; friendly and responsive
02039845-a (1)
bertenaga, kuat, bersemangat
     strong and active physically or mentally
00885695-a (9)
asyik, giat, hangat, bersemangat, berapi-api
     having or showing great excitement and interest
rancak, hidup, bersemangat
     brilliantly clever
04857083-n (16)
kegagahan, keperwiraan, berani, ketabahan, keperkasaan, keberanian, bersemangat
courage, bravery, courageousness, braveness
     a quality of spirit that enables you to face danger or pain without showing fear
rancak, hidup, bersemangat, menyeronokkan
scintillating, sparkly, bubbling, effervescent, frothy
     marked by high spirits or excitement
00262792-a (11)
perkasa, tabah hati, berani, berakah, megak, gagah berani, candang, gagah perkasa, bagak, tegar pelupuk mata, bersemangat, rana, pemberani, wirawan, perwira, kosen, gagah
brave, courageous
     possessing or displaying courage; able to face and deal with danger or fear without flinching
01726235-a (10)
marak, benar-benar, meluap, betul-betul, bersemangat, berapi-api
impassioned, fervent, fiery, ardent, fervid, torrid, perfervid
     characterized by intense emotion
09991530-n (1)
gila, asyik, bersemangat, pemberani
swashbuckler, daredevil, madcap, hothead, lunatic, harum-scarum
     seseorang yang bertindak tanpa berfikir
02280969-a (4)
rancak, tahan, bersemangat
vibrant, vivacious
     vigorous and animated
02000968-a (3)
melampau, bersemangat, keterlaluan, berlebih-lebihan
extravagant, exuberant, excessive, overweening
     unrestrained, especially with regard to feelings
04858785-n (2)
kegagahan, berani, keberanian, bersemangat
boldness, daring, hardiness, hardihood
     the trait of being willing to undertake things that involve risk or danger
tekun, giat, galak, bersemangat
avid, zealous
     marked by active interest and enthusiasm
00119006-a (1)
rancak, hangat, bersemangat
full of life, vital, lively
     full of spirit
00874226-a (2)
lincah, pantas, Lincah, laju, bersemangat, cepat, cergas, kencang
brisk, alert, lively, zippy, merry, rattling, snappy, spanking
     quick and energetic
05032351-n (3)
kegagahan, tabah hati, ketabahan, keberanian, bersemangat
guts, backbone, grit, moxie, sand, gumption
     fortitude and determination
02278939-a (3)
     displaying animation, vigor, or liveliness
01727133-a (1)
lusty, lustful, concupiscent
     vigorously passionate
00804695-a (7)
girang, rancak, riang, hangat, bersemangat, aktif
     full of life and energy
     filled with events or activity
mesra, benar-benar, hangat, betul-betul, bersemangat
ardent, warm
     characterized by strong enthusiasm


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