Results for « bakal » (ind)
01732270-a (12)
kelak, calon, bakal
     yet to be or coming
01884353-a (4)
     effective in or looking toward the future
06330401-n (2)
calon, bakal
future, future tense
     a verb tense that expresses actions or states in the future
01294975-a (10)
calon, bakal
next, future, succeeding
     (of elected officers) elected but not yet serving
15121625-n (46)
hari esok, kadim, hari depan, keakanan, futur, bakal
future, futurity, hereafter, time to come
     the time yet to come
09889691-n (20)
kandidat, calon, bakal
candidate, campaigner, nominee
     a politician who is running for public office
01413247-a (15)
mungkin, boleh jadi, harus, sampai akal, bakal
probable, likely
     likely but not certain to be or become true or real


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