Results for « around » (eng)
00071050-r (1)
around      in circumference
00007015-r (118)
about, approximately, more or less, roughly, or so, close to, just about, some, around      (of quantities) imprecise but fairly close to correct
00071840-r (11)
about, around      all around or on all sides
00071165-r (31)
around, about      in the area or vicinity
00071601-r (13)
around      by a circular or circuitous route
00072201-r (4)
about, around      in or to a reversed position or direction
00071456-r (3)
round, around      from beginning to end; throughout
00072043-r (1)
around      to a particular destination either specified or understood
00071741-r (6)
around      in a circle or circular motion
00072329-r (15)
around, about      used of movement to or among many different places or in no particular direction


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