Results for « amanah » (ind)
benar, ikhlas, amanah, jujur, lurus
     habitually speaking the truth
02465115-a (7)
autentik, amanah, jujur
authentic, reliable
     conforming to fact and therefore worthy of belief
04871374-n (2)
ketulusan, kesungguhan, amanah, kejujuran
honesty, honestness
     the quality of being honest
13360498-n (4)
     something (as property) held by one party (the trustee) for the benefit of another (the beneficiary)
00829378-n (3)
perwalian, perhatian, amanah, kepedulian, perawatan, ongkos, penjagaan, asuhan, pemeliharaan
charge, care, guardianship, tutelage
     attention and management implying responsibility for safety
00724081-a (13)
muktamad, handal, amanah, jujur, bernas, andal
reliable, dependable
     worthy of reliance or trust
01222360-a (11)
benar, ikhlas, amanah, jujur, sadu, lurus
honest, honorable
     not disposed to cheat or defraud; not deceptive or fraudulent
00688377-v (17)
mengantepi, kepercayaan, percaya, menguman, bergantung, amanah, Percaya, menyumpah, yakin, bersumpah
trust, rely, swear, bank
     have confidence or faith in


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