Results for « alasan » (ind)
06739990-n (29)
sebab, alasan
     an explanation of the cause of some phenomenon
05651680-n (5)
kecerdasan, sebab, kecerdikan, keterampilan, nalar, pemahaman, alasan, pengertian
reason, intellect, understanding
     the capacity for rational thought or inference or discrimination
06759776-n (1)
helah, dalih, alasan
pretext, stalking-horse
     something serving to conceal plans; a fictitious reason that is concocted in order to conceal the real reason
00896803-v (29)
menghalalkan, menjamin, membenarkan, menyungguhkan, alasan, menashihkan, dasar
justify, warrant
     membela diri atas sesuatu tuduhan
09178999-n (87)
sebab, motif, alasan
reason, ground
     a rational motive for a belief or action
00896141-v (10)
menghalalkan, membenarkan, menyungguhkan, alasan, menashihkan, dasar, menjustifikasikan
justify, vindicate
     membela diri atas sesuatu tuduhan
06648724-n (32)
perdebatan, pernyataan, hujah, alasan, pertengkaran
argument, statement
     a fact or assertion offered as evidence that something is true
05793210-n (5)
rasional, pendirian, prinsip, alasan, kewajaran, asas, pegangan, dasar
rationale, principle
     [in law] an explanation of the fundamental reasons (especially an explanation of the working of some device in terms of laws of nature)
dalih, alasan
     [in law] an answer indicating why a suit should be dismissed
09179264-n (3)
keadaan, peluang, sebab, kesempatan, alasan
04678908-n (1)
pura-pura, helah, muslihat, samaran, alasan, kepalsuan
pretence, pretense, guise, pretext
     an artful or simulated semblance
06760508-n (1)
topeng, muslihat, alasan
subterfuge, blind
     something intended to misrepresent the true nature of an activity
06741305-n (10)
alibi, dalih, alasan
excuse, exculpation, alibi, self-justification
     a defense of some offensive behavior or some failure to keep a promise etc.
06467680-n (1)
perdebatan, hujah, alasan, pertengkaran
argument, literary argument
     a summary of the subject or plot of a literary work or play or movie
00894738-v (6)
menghalalkan, berdalih, merasionalisasi, membenarkan, menyungguhkan, berkilah, alasan, menashihkan, merasionalkan
rationalize, justify, excuse, rationalise, apologize, apologise
     membela diri atas sesuatu tuduhan
06740402-n (11)
sebab, motif, alasan, pokok kalimat
cause, grounds, reason
     a justification for something existing or happening
sebab, motif, alasan
     a fact that logically justifies some premise or conclusion


Seen Lemmas: agenda; within; whence; waggon; verity; usance; twitch; Ticino; theory;
(0.00439 seconds)
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