Results for « Alas » (ind)
02797692-n (7)
landas, pangkal, tapak, landasan, alas, tumpuan, asas, dasar
stand, base, pedestal
     a support or foundation
alas, lapik
liner, lining
     a piece of cloth that is used as the inside surface of a garment
09215315-n (2)
pangkal, tapak, landasan, pangkalan, alas, asas, dasar, kaki
     the bottom or lowest part
00636888-v (76)
mengasaskan, menubuhkan, menetapkan, menetak, mendasarkan, diri, mendirikan, berinduk, mengecor, alas, membina, membentuk, membuka, berdasarkan, menetakkan
base, establish, ground, found
     use as a basis for; found on
06658118-n (5)
basa, pangkal, landasan, pangkalan, alas, asas, dasar
floor, base
     a lower limit
Al Qaida, pangkal, landasan, pangkalan, Al-Qaeda, Al-Queda, alas, Al-Qaidah, asas, dasar, Al-Qaida
al-Qaeda, Qaeda, al-Qa'ida, al-Qaida, Base
     [in terrorism] a terrorist network intensely opposed to the United States that dispenses money and logistical support and training to a wide variety of radical Islamic terrorist groups; has cells in more than 50 countries
02797881-n (5)
pangkal, landasan, pangkalan, alas, asas, dasar, tas
base, bag
     a place that the runner must touch before scoring
06300193-n (25)
pangkal, landasan, pangkalan, radikal, alas, asas, dasar
stem, root, base, theme, root word, radical
     [in linguistics] the form of a word after all affixes are removed
03727837-n (4)
hamparan, tikar, pengesat kaki, alas, lapik
     a thick flat pad used as a floor covering
tapak, alas
     a plain plinth that supports a wall
03387016-n (6)
pembentukan, pangkal, tapak, landasan, pangkalan, alas, asas, dasar, yayasan, kaki
base, foot, foundation, groundwork, fundament, substructure, understructure
     lowest support of a structure
tapak, sokong, alas, topang, penahan
     framework used for support or display
14618253-n (3)
pangkal, landasan, pangkalan, alas, alkali, asas, dasar
alkali, base
     any of various water-soluble compounds capable of turning litmus blue and reacting with an acid to form a salt and water
tapak, alas
pedestal, plinth, footstall
     an architectural support or base (as for a column or statue)
alas, asas, dasar
base, basis
     the most important or necessary part of something
landasan, alas
     a flat bottom on which something is intended to sit
Alas, dasar
     a foundation of earth or rock supporting a road or railroad track
02798290-n (4)
pangkal, landasan, pangkalan, alas, asas, dasar
base, base of operations
     [in military] installation from which a military force initiates operations
     a long narrow carpet
08511777-n (2)
pangkal, landasan, pangkalan, keji, durjana, alas, terkutuk, asas, dasar, hina
     [in anatomy] the part of an organ nearest its point of attachment
pangkal, landasan, pangkalan, akar, alas, asas, sumber, dasar
base, radix
     [in numeration_system] the positive integer that is equivalent to one in the next higher counting place
01856066-a (6)
alas, asas, dasar
base, basal
     serving as or forming a base
alas, lapis, lapik
liner, lining
     a protective covering that protects an inside surface
08490402-n (2)
pangkal, landasan, pangkalan, alas, asas, dasar
home, base
     the place where you are stationed and from which missions start and end


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