01629958-v 'summon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic'; V2; 
English raise 7 , invoke 6 ( ) , conjure up 5 , bring up 3 , arouse 2 , stir 1 , conjure ( ) , call down , put forward , evoke ( ) , call forth
Indonesian menghidupi , menghadapkan , timbul , memeliharakan , meminta , berbangkit , mengimbau , menyeru , melontarkan , tersorong , mencaduk , mewujudkan , mengasuh , menimbulkan , mengarih , mengetengahkan , mendidik , mencadangkan , meninggikan , membubungkan , menggairahkan , memiara , merenyukkan , meroket , menghasilkan , memohon , menyorong , membesarkan , membangkitkan , menggugah , memelihara
Japanese 喚起 , 唆る , 呼び出す , 喚起+する , 喚び出す
失業という幻影を連想してみて; 彼は空に野鳥を呼んだ; 山の精を呼ぶ
menyebabkan timbul dalam pikiran
summon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic
raise the specter of unemployment; he conjured wild birds in the air; call down the spirits from the mountain
Hyponym: bless curse
Hypernym: make
Semantic Field: creationv
Verb Frames
Somebody ----s something;   Something ----s something;  
External Links

SUMO: ⊂ Process

TempoWN: (Past: 0.000; Present: 0.264; Future: 0.001)

SentiWN: (+0.12 -0.00) MLSentiCon: (+0.12 -0.12)


(0.03379 seconds)
More detail about the Open Multilingual Wordnet (1.3)
This project is now integrated in the Extended Open Multilingual Wordnet (1.3)
Maintainer: Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>